About Us

Here at Afotica.Boutique we take our mission seriously, because we feel making sex toys available on the market in Uganda is lot more important than "just getting off."
It is about rights, respect, Health and freedom!
We focus on women and couples first, helping women take charge of their own sexuality and satisfaction, in a safe, playful manner. It is not Our business what you do, but we want to give you the choice of doing it safely... whatever you are into...
Why? Because in Uganda, as many other countries in East-Africa, and for that matter the rest of the world, it is not always a safe and free place for women to live out their sexuality, explore their sensations and desires, or proudly announce their preferences and actions. So, sexuality is limited to the private sphere and gets locked behind closed doors. For women, that is. Men live a different reality, which is the primary reason for our focus - why should it be any different for women than for men?
Should it not be a womans Choice how private and secluded her life is, also in a sexual setting?
Add to that the lasting impacts on young women's lives presented by an unwanted pregnancy, a lack of access to abortion or pre-conception methods of contraception, and you should start to understand Our focus on women and promoting womens freedom and choice. In an economy and country that has a lot more developing to do, we cannot allow women to fall behind!
We cannot fix it all, but we can do our small part.
So is it all about women?
No, of course not. We focus on all aspects of society that touch on the issues of sexuality. Sex is the red line through all our activities. Around the time we developed the idea of Afrotica.Boutique, President Museweni oversaw the passage of a particularly divisive piece of legislation into law, regarding a small community of Ugandans. The LGBTQ, for whom persecution was nothing new in Africa, was now officially to become illegal, through what international pressure groups have billed the 'Kill the Gays-law.'. Where mob-justice had already reared its ugly, violent head before, such actions were now legitimized from the country's highest political office. Clearly, this demanded a response too.
And while touching on the violent consequences or response to aspects of sexuality, the increasing reports of rape and sexualized violence toward women reinforced our belief in the idea. These Things have no simple solutions, but that means we need to try harder, maybe do Things differently, rather than giving up and accepting it for "just being how it is."
Also at the nexus of sex toys and people`s freedom to express and enjoy themselves is one of Africa's long-standing hindrances to economic and social development: HIV/Aids. Uganda was in the '90s and early 2000's a flagship in the fight against HIV/Aids. But around the target-time of the Millennium development goals, in 2015, most of the progress seemed to have been wiped out. There is every reason for renewed effort, and our initiative takes a unique approach to contributing to this, in its own small way: Availability of sex toys may reduce the number of "random sexual encounters" which may reduce the number of infections and new cases of HIV. We cannot know for sure, but we will take a "maybe" when we see no negative side of what we do.
It is from this background of ideas and brainstorming we have figured that, no, of course sex toys isn't the perfect solution to any of this - doldos alone wont "fix"these very serious challenges. We can't - and wont! - come in with our opinion and start telling people how to live their lives; "start using sex toys and stop hooking up with strangers."
But, we can at least put these products in the marketplace for those who already want them there, those who may consider changing part of their lifestyle to a less risky one, or perhaps are just looking for a way to better protect themselves and their future, from diseases and other unwanted consequences of seeking happiness and satisfaction through sexuality.
So that's what we do. And we hope you appreciate it!
We welcome all criticism and suggestions on how we can do this in a better way, to help people make the best choices for themselves - whatever they themselves feel is best for them.
With love,
The Afrotica.Boutique team.